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New Canine Heartworm Guidelines Released

New Canine Heartworm Guidelines Released


Wilmington, Delaware

The American Heartworm Society (AHS) today releases new canine heartworm guidelines for 2010. These guidelines are considered the official veterinary industry perspective for epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of the disease and include some notable differences from previous versions.
It is estimated that currently more than 1 million dogs in the United States are infected with heartworms. This potentially fatal disease has been found in dogs native to all 50 states.  Even as diagnostic methods advance, preventive therapies improve and disease awareness increases among veterinary professionals and pet owners, heartworm continues to present a serious threat to dogs’ health.
The new guidelines are based on the latest information presented at the 2007 Triennial Symposium of the AHS and were prepared and approved by the executive board of the organization. Important highlights include the following recommendations:

  • Annual testing for heartworm disease in all areas of the United States
  • Year-round administration of prevention drugs to increase compliance, control zoonotic parasites and prevent heartworm disease
  • Use of the alternate three-treatment protocol for symptomatic and asymptomatic dogs; a departure from the recommended two-treatment protocol used previously

In addition to these updated recommendations, the new guidelines discuss potential causes of increased heartworm prevalence and recent reports of possible resistance issues with prevention products.
AHS also presents information for the veterinarian on use of the antibiotic doxycycline in the treatment of heartworm disease.
“This significant disease has cost the lives of far too many of our beloved dogs, and that’s why it is more crucial than ever for veterinary professionals to have access to the latest guidelines,” said Dr. Sheldon Rubin, president of the American Heartworm Society. “One of the most important keys to managing this preventable disease is professional knowledge.”

The 14-page guide is targeted to veterinary professionals and available as a free, downloadable PDF file at the American Heartworm Society website,

About the American Heartworm Society

The American Heartworm Society, headquartered in Wilmington, DE, is the global resource for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heartworm disease and was formed during the Heartworm Symposium of 1974. The American Heartworm Society stimulates and financially supports research, which furthers knowledge and understanding of the disease.

For further information, please contact:

Jake Yarbrough

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The colors are changing but your clients’ heartworm prevention programs shouldn’t. To help spice up your client outreach programs this fall, the AHS has created a new set of posters you can print or post on your social pages.

To keep this message front and center with your clients, we’re sharing a set of new posters you can print OR post on your Facebook or Instagram page.

  • To save or print a poster, just click on the image below, then click on the “download” button and save the PDF file.
  • To save a poster for use on your social pages, simply open the downloaded poster, then right click on the file and follow the menu instructions to save the file as a JPEG image.

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