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Looking for information or educational tools on heartworm management? Our NEW Heartworm Resource Center makes it easy to get the answers or assets you’re looking for. You may search/filter by one or more of the fields below.

Think 12 Series: Protection is priceless. (Dog)

Heartworm disease can threaten your dog's health--and even his life.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Cost

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms love vacations, too. (Two Dogs)

When you pack for that long vacation, don't forget your dog's heartworm prevention.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms love vacations, too. (Senior Owner)

That warm, sunny vacation spot is probably a safe haven for heartworms. Make sure your dog is protected.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Protection is priceless. (Cat)

There's no approved treatment for heartworm infection in cats.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Cost

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms love vacations, too. (Young Owner)

Warm and sunny? Yes. Mosquitoes? Yes. Heartworm prevention? Yes.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Media | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms are always in season. (Hunting)

Make it "open season" on heartworms by giving your dog year-round heartworm prevention.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms are always in season. (Hiking)

Cooler weather doesn't necessarily mean the threat of heartworms is gone.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Heartworm protection is spelled L-O-V-E. (Dog)

If you love your dog, protect him from heartworms.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Heartworm protection is spelled L-O-V-E. (Cat)

If you love your cat, protect her from heartworms.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Best friends deserve the best care. (Dog)

Dogs are loyal friends. Show you love them by protecting them from heartworms.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Best friends deserve the best care. (Cat)

Heartworm prevention helps keep cats happy and healthy.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Don't "fall" back on heartworm protection in the fall

Don't "fall" back on heartworm prevention this fall!

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Canine | Prevention | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Dogs need fall heartworm protection

Your dog's need for heartworm prevention doesn't stop in the fall!

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Canine | Prevention | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Heartworms scare cats

You cat is--and should be--scared of heartworms!

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Feline | Prevention | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Your cat wants heartworms to "leaf" him alone

Protect your cat so heartworms "leaf" him alone!

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Feline | Prevention | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Don't "trick" your dog; keep him on heartworm prevention

Don't trick your dog; keep him on heartworm prevention!

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Canine | Prevention | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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There's No Season for Heartworms

Heartworm transmission doesn't have a "season." That's why the AHS recommends year-round heartworm prevention.

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Canine | Feline | Prevention | Diagnosis | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Cats catch heartworms!

Cats "catch" many things--including heartworms!

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Feline | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Did You Remember My Heartworm Prevention? (Spanish)

This poster reminds cat owners not to forget their cat's heartworm prevention.

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Feline | Prevention | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Weigh the Costs (Spanish)

When you compare the cost of heartworm prevention vs. heartworm treatment, heartworm prevention is much more cost-effective.

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Prevention | Treatment | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Cost

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Heartworm Tall Tales - Cost

Heartworm prevention can save you money in the long run AND save your pet's life.

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Canine | Prevention | Treatment | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Cost

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Heartworm Tall Tales - Season

Many mosquitoes live and transmit heartworms before and after so-called "warm weather" months.

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Canine | Feline | Prevention | Exotics | Other | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Heartworm Life Cycle (Veterinary Professionals)

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Canine | Feline | Prevention | Diagnosis | Life Cycle | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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There's no room in his heart for heartworms. (ferret)

Ferret hearts are tiny, and just a few heartworms can be fatal.

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Prevention | Exotics | Other | Veterinary Professionals | Media

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We're heartworm - freeeeeee!

There's nothing like the feeling of knowing dogs are heartworm free.

Category: Heartworm Awareness Month Posters
Canine | Prevention | Diagnosis | Treatment | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Long summer days are wonderful to enjoy! But warm weather means mosquitoes and the threat of heartworms they pose to pets is greater than ever. To help stress the protection message now AND all year long, check out our new “prevention” posters.

To keep this message front and center with your clients, we’re sharing a set of new posters you can print OR post on your Facebook or Instagram page.

  • To save or print a poster, just click on the image below, then click on the “download” button and save the PDF file.
  • To save a poster for use on your social pages, simply open the downloaded poster, then right click on the file and follow the menu instructions to save the file as a JPEG image.

For more client tools, be sure to visit the Resource Center. And if you don’t already, make sure you’re sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts!