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Looking for information or educational tools on heartworm management? Our NEW Heartworm Resource Center makes it easy to get the answers or assets you’re looking for. You may search/filter by one or more of the fields below.

Updates to Heartworm Treatment in the AHS Canine Heartworm Guidelines

In this VETgirl podcast, Drs. Andy Moorhead and Marisa Ames discuss updates to the "treatment" section of the updated AHS canine heartworm guidelines

Category: Podcast
Canine | Diagnosis | Treatment | Life Cycle | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals

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Updates to Heartworm Diagnostics in the AHS Canine Heartworm Guidelines

In this VETgirl podcast, Drs. Lindsay Starkey and Marisa Ames explain updates to the "diagnostics" section of the canine heartworm guidelines

Category: Podcast
Canine | Prevention | Diagnosis | Treatment | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals

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Heartworm Prevention Compliance

In this VETgirl podcast, AHS President Dr. Jenni Rizzo shares common-sense ideas and tips for improving client compliance with use of heartworm prevention

Category: Podcast
Canine | Feline | Prevention | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Incidence

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Coping with Complex Heartworm Cases

In this VETgirl veterinary CE podcast, Louisiana State University veterinary cardiologist Dr. Aliya Magee discusses the management of common complications in advanced heartworm patients, from analyzing clinical signs to determining which diagnostics are needed to implement treatment measures.

Category: Podcast
Canine | Diagnosis | Treatment | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals

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Strategies for Successful Management of Heartworm Patients, In and Out of the Shelter Setting

In this VETgirl veterinary CE podcast, shelter veterinary Dr. Uri Donnett discusses the paths to successful management of heartwworm patients in the shelter setting or community practice, as well as managing limitations in staffing, diagnostics and knowledge of patient history.

Category: Podcast
Canine | Prevention | Diagnosis | Treatment | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Cost | Transport of Infected Pets

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Making the Case for Prevention of Feline Heartworm Disease

In this VETgirl veterinary CE podcast, feline practitioner Dr. Mark Cousins gives the lowdown on testing cats for heartowrm, educating owners and the "how tos" of getting staff members in the routine of recommending heartworm prevention for cats.

Category: Podcast
Feline | Prevention | Diagnosis | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals

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Answering Common Questions about Heartworm Diagnostics

In this VETgirl veterinary CE podcast, veterinary parasitologist Dr. Lindsay Starkey of Auburn University addresses common questions veterinarians have about heartworm diagnosis--from understanding what a faintly positive result on a heartworm test means to determining whether a confirmation test is really needed in a heartworm case.

Category: Podcast
Canine | Feline | Diagnosis | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals

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Heartworm Treatment: When the Perfect Protocol Isn't Followed

In this VETgirl veterinary CE podcast, veterinary parasitologist Dr. Andy Moorhead of the University of Georgia covers common questions veterinarians have about the management of dogs that have been previously treated with a less-than-ideal protocol. Which tests and follow-up treatments may be needed? He has answers!

Category: Podcast
Canine | Diagnosis | Treatment | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Cost

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The Heartworm-Positive Patient: What Happens Next?

In this VETgirl veterinary CE podcast, veterinary cardiologist Dr. Marisa Ames from U.C. Davis discusses which diagnostic procedures may be needed following a heartworm-positive antigen test in dogs--from microfilaria testing to radiographs and echocardiograms.

Category: Podcast
Canine | Diagnosis | Treatment | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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From Testing to Talking Points: What Veterinarians, Shelters and Owners Need to Know about Caring for Heartworm-Positive Dogs

In this VETgirl veterinary CE podcast, shelter veterinarian Dr. Brian DiGangi from the University of Florida discusses testing and management of heartworm-positive dogs in the shelter environment, as well as what veterinarians in practice need to understand about these patients and their prior care when they are adopted by clients. He also discusses the behavioral health of these patients and how they can be kept happy AND healthy during treatment.

Category: Podcast
Canine | Prevention | Diagnosis | Treatment | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Cost | Transport of Infected Pets

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When - and how - Should Cats be Tested for Heartworms?

In this VETgirlveterinary CE podcast, veterinary parasitologist Dr. Lindsay Starkey from Auburn University, provides an overview of feline heartworm disease as well as how to navigate testing for these patients.

Category: Podcast
Diagnosis | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals

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Heartworms 101 with Dr. Chris Duke

Category: Podcast
Canine | Prevention | Diagnosis | Treatment | Pet Owners

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When heartworm patients face complications with Dr. Marisa Ames

In this VETgirl podcast, veterinary cardiologist Dr. Marisa Ames discusses how to manage dogs with complications due to advanced heartworm disease.

Category: Podcast
Canine | Diagnosis | Treatment | Veterinary Professionals

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Determining the best treatment protocol for your heartworm-positive patient with Dr. Andy Moorhead

In this VETgirl podcast, veterinary parasitologist Dr. Andy Moorhead explains the steps and elements of treatment for heartworm-positive dogs.

Category: Podcast
Canine | Diagnosis | Treatment | Veterinary Professionals

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What you need to know about heartworm disease in cats with Dr. Tom Nelson

In this VETgirl podcast, Dr. Tom Nelson discusses the challenges of diagnosing heartworm disease in cats and why prevention is so important.

Category: Podcast
Feline | Prevention | Diagnosis | Veterinary Professionals

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Diagnostic dilemmas with heartworm disease with Dr. Lindsay Starkey

In this VETgirl podcast, veterinary parasitologist Dr. Lindsay Starkey discusses the limitations of antigen testing and what veterinarians should do if they question the results of a heartworm test.

Category: Podcast
Canine | Diagnosis | Veterinary Professionals

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Transporting the Heartworm Positive Dog with Dr. Brian DiGangi

In this VETgirl podcast, shelter veterinarian Dr. Brian DiGangi discusses how heartworm-positive dogs can be safely transported.

Category: Podcast
Canine | Treatment | Shelters | Veterinary Professionals | Transport of Infected Pets

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The colors are changing but your clients’ heartworm prevention programs shouldn’t. To help spice up your client outreach programs this fall, the AHS has created a new set of posters you can print or post on your social pages.

To keep this message front and center with your clients, we’re sharing a set of new posters you can print OR post on your Facebook or Instagram page.

  • To save or print a poster, just click on the image below, then click on the “download” button and save the PDF file.
  • To save a poster for use on your social pages, simply open the downloaded poster, then right click on the file and follow the menu instructions to save the file as a JPEG image.

For more client tools, be sure to visit the Resource Center. And if you don’t already, make sure you’re sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts!