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Looking for information or educational tools on heartworm management? Our NEW Heartworm Resource Center makes it easy to get the answers or assets you’re looking for. You may search/filter by one or more of the fields below.

Think 12 Series: Would you know if she had heartworm (canine)

Heartworms happen on the inside. Only a veterinarian is equipped to test dog for heartworms.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Diagnosis | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Would you know if he had heartworm (feline)

Heartworms happen on the inside. Only a veterinarian is equipped to test cats for heartworms.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Diagnosis | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Has heartworms will travel

Coyotes get heartworms. And because they're not likely to be on heartworm prevention, they are an important source of heartworm transmission.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Prevention | Other | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: If your cat gets heartworms there is no treatment

Sad but true--there's no approved treatment for heartworm infection in cats.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Treatment | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Loves the beach. Doesn't love heartworms

What dog would want heartworms? Protect your pup!

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Just One infected mosquito can infect many pets

An infected mosquito can infect every pet it feeds on.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Feline | Prevention | Exotics | Other | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Both indoor and outdoor cats get heartworms

Anywhere there are mosquitoes--indoors or out--there's a threat of heartworm disease for a cat.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms can grow up to a foot long (b)

Heartworms can grow to be 12 inches long or MORE inside a dog's heart, lungs, and arteries.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Treatment | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Enemies Approaching

Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes--and it only takes one bite.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Feline | Prevention | Life Cycle | Exotics | Other | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: She can't hide from heartworm (canine)

Your dog can't play hide-and--go-seek with heartworms. Keep him on year-round heartworm prevention.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: He can't hide from heartworm (feline)

Unprotected cats are a risk of being bitten by an infected mosquito. Keep him on preventives year-round.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: He can't hide from heartworm (ferret)

Cute little ferrets are HIGHLY susceptible to heartworms.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Prevention | Exotics | Other | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Braves the outdoors. Fears Heartworms. (feline)

Cats that aren't on year-round heartworm prevention have reason to fear this sometimes fatal--disease.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Has your growing dog outgrown her heartworm preventive

Puppies grow up fast, and their heartworm medication dosage can change quickly. Make sure your dog is taking the right dose.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Has your big boned cat outgrown his heartworm preventive

Heartworm preventives are dosed by weight. Make sure your kitty is getting the right dose.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms can grow up to a foot long (a)

Heartworms are long. In fact, they can grow more than a foot long in a dog's heart, lungs and arteries.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Treatment | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners

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Think 12 Series: Where there's a will, there's a way for heartworms to get inside. (Dog & Cat)

Indoor pets aren't safe from heartworms.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Where there's a will, there's a way for heartworms to get inside. (Cat)

Mosquitoes are sneaky and find lots of ways to come indoors. Indoor pets need heartworm prevention, too.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: There's no such thing as a heartworm free zone. (Desert)

Heartworms have been diagnosed in all 50 states.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Protection is priceless. (Dog)

Heartworm disease can threaten your dog's health--and even his life.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Cost

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms love vacations, too. (Two Dogs)

When you pack for that long vacation, don't forget your dog's heartworm prevention.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms love vacations, too. (Senior Owner)

That warm, sunny vacation spot is probably a safe haven for heartworms. Make sure your dog is protected.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Protection is priceless. (Cat)

There's no approved treatment for heartworm infection in cats.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Feline | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Cost

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms love vacations, too. (Young Owner)

Warm and sunny? Yes. Mosquitoes? Yes. Heartworm prevention? Yes.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Media | Incidence

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Think 12 Series: Heartworms are always in season. (Hunting)

Make it "open season" on heartworms by giving your dog year-round heartworm prevention.

Category: Think 12 Posters
Canine | Prevention | Veterinary Professionals | Pet Owners | Incidence

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The colors are changing but your clients’ heartworm prevention programs shouldn’t. To help spice up your client outreach programs this fall, the AHS has created a new set of posters you can print or post on your social pages.

To keep this message front and center with your clients, we’re sharing a set of new posters you can print OR post on your Facebook or Instagram page.

  • To save or print a poster, just click on the image below, then click on the “download” button and save the PDF file.
  • To save a poster for use on your social pages, simply open the downloaded poster, then right click on the file and follow the menu instructions to save the file as a JPEG image.

For more client tools, be sure to visit the Resource Center. And if you don’t already, make sure you’re sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts!