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Canine Heartworm Progression

This infographic show how heartworm infection infects a dog, starting from transmission through the late stages of infection.

Famous last words your pets should never hear you say

Famous Last Words

There's lots of myths that can be perpetuated and mistakes that can be made when talking to pet owners about heartworms in pets. These are few "famous last words" your clients should NOT hear you say!

Do's and Don'ts of Exercise Restriction

Do's and Don'ts of Exercise Restriction

Keeping your dog calm and quiet in the weeks before, during and after heartworm treatment is essential. Follow these recommendations to help make treatment successful and safe.

Iceberg Infographic

The number of heartworm-positive pets may be bigger than we think

Many dogs and cats with heartworms are undiagnosed. Here's why.

"Dog Days" of Summer

In this infographic, learn about the risks heartworm pose to dogs and cats.

AHS Incidence Survey Infographic

Heartworm was diagnosed in all 50 states in the 2022 Heartworm Incidence Survey. This infographic includes details from this survey, which was conducted with veterinarians across the U.S.

How Do Cats Get Heartworms?

Like dogs, cats get heartworms through the bite of an infected mosquito. However, the disease cats get from heartworms is different from that of dogs.

A Stroll Through Petsville: How Heartworm Prevention Adds Up

Heartworm prevention makes sense for pet health--and saves dollars and cents for pet owners.

How Do Dogs Get Heartworms?

Understanding the heartworm life cycle can help you better understand why it's important to protect your dog. This infographic makes the life cycle easy to understand.

Myth Fact Infographic

Are you up for a heartworm quiz? This infographic tests your knowledge.

Heartworm Lifecycle

Pet Lovers Prioritize Pet Health During the COVID-19 Crisis

Is Heartworm on the Rise?

In the latest AHS heartworm incidence survey, veterinarians weighed in on incidence trends. This infographic breaks it

The Southeast has the Highest Incidence

The Southeast has the dubious distinction of having the most cases of heartworm in the country. This infographic has details.

Mosquito Mayhem

What's the link between mosquitoes and heartworm disease? This infographic shares 5 facts.

Who Gets Heartworms?

You probably know dogs and cats get heartworm disease, but did you know lots of other species do, too? This infographic takes you on a walk on the wild side.

10 Ways to Stay on Top of Heartworm Prevention

You don't want to forget your pet's heartworm preventive! Here's 10 tips to help you remember.

What Raises The Risk Of Heartworms?

From weather to wildlife, there's multiple contributors to heartworm risk. Check out some common causes in this infographic.

24 Hour Risk Graphic: Cat

Is there a time of day when heartworms aren't a risk for your cat? No!

24 Hour Risk Graphic: Dog

Is there a time of day when heartworms aren't a risk for your dog? No!

Heartworm Tall Tales - Cats

It's a myth that cat's don't get heartworms.

Heartworm Tall Tales - Indoor

Indoor cats can get heartworms if they're not on prevention.

Heartworm Tall Tales - Testing

Dogs on heartworm prevention still need annual heartworm testing.

Heartworm Tall Tales - Transmission

Heartworm is spread by mosquitoes, not spread directly between pets.

Heartworm Tall Tales - Composite

Make sure you can separate myth from fact when it comes to heartworm knowledge. Your pet's life could depend on it!

Heartworm Disease In Dogs

The early signs of heartworm disease in dogs are subtle, which advanced disease causes serious disease--and even death, according to this infographic.

Heartworm Disease In Cats

The signs of heartworm disease in cats from range from coughing and nausea soon after infection to serious disease and even death when it is advanced, according to this infographic.

Heartworm By The Numbers

Add it up and heartworm "numbers" in this infographic will tell you how serious a problem heartworm disease is for pets.inci

Take 5 on Feline Heartworm Disease

Do you need a reason to give your cat heartworm prevention? This infographic gives you FIVE.

Can we turn down the dial on heartworm risk?

From strategies that lower the risk of heartworm to behaviors that increase it, this infographic will help you understand the concept of heartworm risk.

The ABCs of Heartworm Disease

There are 26 letters in the alphabet. And this infographic shares 26 facts you need to know about heartworm in pets.

Significance of Heartworm Disease

Is Heartworm Incidence?

Heartworm Incidence: Up or Down?

Protect Your Pet Handout

Numbers, numbers, numbers in this infographic--and it adds up to heartworm disease being a serious, nationwide threat.

Heartworm Incidence Map

Heartworm Risk

Significance of Heartworm Disease (2013)

Heartworm Vectors

Everyday actions can expose pets to heartworm. This infographic gives examples of how transmission can happen.

Weigh the Costs

Which can cost more--heartworm prevention or treatment? This infographic helps you weigh the costs.

1 Reason: Heartworm in Cats

Heartworm prevention is a must for cats. This infographic explains why they're worth it!

A Tale of 2 Kitties

Cats that are protected against heartworms can live longer, healthier lives. This infographic explains why.

The Mighty Mosquito

Mosquitoes may be small but they present a mighty threat to unprotected pets. This infographic explains the link between mosquitoes and heartworm disease.

A Dog's Heart is a Place for Love, not Heartworms

This infographic explains why heartworm prevention = LOVE.

Testing Algorithm

Just 10 minutes is all it takes each year to test your dog for heartworms. This infographic helps you determine if your dog should be tested.

Does My Dog Need a Heartworm Test?

Dogs VS Cats

Dogs are definitely different from cats but they both need heartworm prevention, according to this infographic.

Join AHS

Join the leading association on Heartworm education and prevention today!

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Long summer days are wonderful to enjoy! But warm weather means mosquitoes and the threat of heartworms they pose to pets is greater than ever. To help stress the protection message now AND all year long, check out our new “prevention” posters.

To keep this message front and center with your clients, we’re sharing a set of new posters you can print OR post on your Facebook or Instagram page.

  • To save or print a poster, just click on the image below, then click on the “download” button and save the PDF file.
  • To save a poster for use on your social pages, simply open the downloaded poster, then right click on the file and follow the menu instructions to save the file as a JPEG image.

For more client tools, be sure to visit the Resource Center. And if you don’t already, make sure you’re sharing our Facebook and Instagram posts!